
Want to learn what can be improved on your project or how to DIY
the basics of UX design?
Need a mentor? I'm here for you!

Lifelong learning - Who'd have thought you need it working in Software ?

I have a track record of teaching and mentoring others. Ever since I tutored and gave English and French lessons to students at my high school. I have taught children, young adults and grown-ups alike, mostly as a side hustle, but recently also for my main business.It is very rewarding seeing my students succeed and crush their goals. You may be a marketing expert needing suggestions on how to drive more conversions to your customers' websites, a junior UX/UI designer who would like to understand more of how to improve existing skills or a website owner who just needs some advice on why some of your website goals may not have been achieved yet.

My Expertise

I have been working in the software industry for 8 years, 3 as a frontend developer, 3 doing localization and basically UX writing (when that was not yet a thing), and most recently 3 years as a UX/UI designer. At university I learned the basics of Media Design, Internet Technologies, Web Development, Data Bases and Research Techniques from Eye Tracking to Think Aloud Protocols.Former employers and customers included a range of tech startups (with and without AI), agencies, small and mid-sized software businesses and consulting companies.